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2.1.1 Source code and SDK directory

Download SDK and agree with license policy to install SDK in ¡®C:\BCL\¡¯ folder. BCL is acronym of Bandi Capture Library.

Directory structures are shown below.

  +- bin\ : Capture Library DLL(bdcap32.dll, bdcap64.dll) and
  |         precompiled example exe files to show BCL capability.
  +- codec\ : DirectShow filter codec for playing captured video file by other player(BDMPEG1SETUP.EXE).
  +- include\ : bandicap.h is in it.
  +- samples\
	+- BandiCapSample\ : Examples which shows capturing DX3D9 surface , and
	+- Animate_gl\ : Examples which shows capturing OpenGL surface.
	+- BasicHLSL11_dx11\ : Examples which shows capturing DX3D11 surface.

Copyright(C) 2008-2019,
Bandi Capture Library created : 2017-02-03 PM 3:34:53