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3.4 BCAP_CONFIG Structure

Current BCL encoder settings are contained in this structure. With this structure, User can figure out current video information, video property, and audio property.

Note : Using BCapConfigPreset() function, it is possible to set BCAP_CONFIG structure easily. (refer to section 3.5)

    // Configuration 
    INT   FileType;              // Container type(F_AVI)
    // Video configuration
    INT   VideoSizeW;            // video width in pixel unit.
    INT   VideoSizeH;            // video height in pixel unit.
    FLOAT VideoFPS;              // frames per second 
    DWORD VideoCodec;            // Video codec(FOURCC) 
    INT   VideoRateControl;      // CBR, VBR 
    INT   VideoKBitrate;         // 10k ~ 50000k (ignored when VBR selected) 
    INT   VideoQuality;          // 30 ~ 100     (ignored when CBR selected) 
    INT   VideoKeyframeInterval; // 0 ~ 1000 frames
    // Audio configuration
    INT   AudioChannels;         // 1: mono, 2:stereo 
    INT   AudioSampleRate;       // Sampling rate 
    INT   AudioCodec;            // Audio codec(Wave Tag) 
    INT   AudioRateControl;      // CBR, VBR 
    INT   AudioKBitrate;         // 32k ~ 320k 
    INT   AudioQuality;          // 30 ~ 100 
    // Logo settings
    WCHAR LogoPath[MAX_PATH];    // Path of logo file(32bit png)
    INT   LogoAlpha;             // Transparency of logo [0 ~ 100]%
    INT   LogoPosX;              // Horizontal location of logo [0 ~ 100]%
    INT   LogoPosY;              // Vertical location of logo [0 ~ 100]%
    INT   LogoSizeW;             // Horizontal width of logo [0 ~ 999]%
    INT   LogoSizeH;             // Vertical location of logo [0 ~ 999]%

    // Auto-complete recording settings
    INT  AutoCompleteType;       // How to auto-complete recording
    INT  AutoCompleteValue;      // Auto-complete recording value (seconds or MB)

    // etc
    RECT  CaptureRect;           // Capture target rectange
    BOOL  IncludeCursor;         // Include the mouse cursor image
    BOOL  AdjustAudioMixer;      // Adjust audio input mixer when capture
    BOOL  SaveAudioTracksAsWav;  // Save a audio track as a wav file.
Caution : if 0 or -1 is used, you must use 0 or -1 in VideoSizeH.
Range : -1 ~ 2560
Default : 0
Caution : if 0 or -1 is used, you must use 0 or -1 in VideoSizeW.
Range : -1 ~ 1600
Default : 0
Note :
29.97 fps(60i actually 59.94, or 60 x 1000/1001 to be more precise; 60 interlaced fields = 29.97 frames) is the standard video field rate per second that has been used for NTSC television since 1941, whether from a broadcast signal, rented DVD, or home camcorder. (When NTSC color was introduced, the older rate of 60 fields per second was reduced by a factor of 1000/1001 to avoid interference between the chroma subcarrier and the broadcast sound carrier.) But for encoding for modern computer, you don't need to adhire to specific frame rate. 30fps is good for smoothness and frame rate calculation.
Range : 10.0 fps ~ 120.0 fps
Default : 30.0 fps
Caution : If MJPEG codec is selected(FOURCC_MJPG), bitrate control method always be VBR. It means VideoRateControl value will be ignored.
Caution : If V_CBR is selected , ¡®VideoQuality¡¯ value is ignored. In contrary, V_VBR is selected , ¡®VideoKBitrate¡¯ value is ignored.
Default : V_VBR
Range : 10 ~ 50000
Default : 1024
Range : 1 ~ 100
Default : 90
Caution : If you choose MJPEG(FOURCC_MJPG) as video codec, this value is ignored.
Range : 1 ~ 1000
Default : 150
Range : 1 ~ 2
Default : 2
Range : 8000 ~ 48000
Default : 44100
default : WAVETAG_MP2
default : A_CBR
default : 192
default : 30
Caution : Only 32bit-PNG format works.
Default : Null-String("\0")
Range : 0 ~ 100
Default : 100
Range : 0 ~ 100
Default : 50
Range : 0 ~ 100
default : 100
Range : 0 ~ 999
Default : 100
Range : 0 ~ 999
Default : 100
±âº»°ª : BY_NONE

Copyright(C) 2008-2019,
Bandi Capture Library created : 2017-02-03 PM 3:34:53