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Feature Request: File Size

Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:08 pm

Dear Bandicam Team,
I have another feature request for you:
It would be great to see how much space the settings require, while choosing them.
For example:
FPS: 30
Codec: H.264 (NVIDIA CUDA)
Quality: 100%
Size: round about 28MB/min

This would make it easier to choose the settings.

Anyway I have a question: Where is the Speed / Size difference between AVI and MP4?

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Re: Feature Request: File Size

Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:42 pm

Well that would only depend on if you selected VBR or CBR. Since VBR is recommended, you wouldn't get an accurate estimate. With VBR, it would vary in the bitrate based on motion in the game, it would also save you a lot of disk space. With CBR, you could get an accurate estimate on disk space but will take up more disk space since it will be writing at the same speed through fast motion to no motion.
The best thing to do is just test the profile out for a few minutes to see how much disk space it'll take up, then you would have an overall idea on how much disk space you'll need to record.

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Re: Feature Request: File Size

Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:19 am


Not really... and it cannot be done in VBR, only if you work only in CBR.

Again, to know how things work is the better way to know how to do whatever we need to do.

If you select VBR and you are recording a full resolution 1920 x 1080 video clip, the encoder goal will be to give you the Quality (Quantization) that you selected. But it stills don't know what kind of recording you are going to do to make an estimate.

Lets say you are recording in VBR with 80 Q, but just your desktop, with minimal moving there, nearly full static picture... well the encoder will apply just a very low bitrate (it probably will be fine with 1000 to 2000kbps in order to get that 80 Q factor you asked.

But now you want to record a full action game, with high speed moving objects, plenty of graphics, no just a very big surface of sky or sea... do it, and once done open it with GSpot and read how many kbps in average it has. You will be surprised... probably 50000 to 70000 kbps to get that goal, and sometimes you won't be happy with the final results and would like more.

In other words, for the same Quality factor, a record could go from something like 10Mb to 300Mb per minute of video, just depending on what you did record. And its you and the kind of records you do what determines the size in Mb per minute of your clips.

In my case, doing high action clips in full screen, H264 encoder, i am happy if it takes from 200 to 400Mb per minute.

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Re: Feature Request: File Size

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:17 pm

Where is the Speed / Size difference between AVI and MP4?
It might be the same.

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Re: Feature Request: File Size

Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:52 pm

Also file size varies greatly game to game.

Not really a possible feature.

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Re: Feature Request: File Size

Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:23 pm

Where is the Speed / Size difference between AVI and MP4?
It might be the same.
AVI or MP4 is just the container (you can say a plastic can or a metal can) nothing to do with what is inside.

But I think you are getting things confused. You can estimate the size of a Re-encoding of a given file, that's what any Edition software does. Linears and NLE. But the record is already done, and with a small processing of it, the program will tell you an accurate estimate of the size of the encoding (re-encoding actually, as you are feeding it with a video already encoded).

Bandicam is a file creator. There is nothing before you press the record button. And what you will have depends greatly in multiple factors that can make the size to vary greatly for the same resolution and quality.

Think this way, if you plan a trip from A to B in a car, you can estimate the fuel it will take. But your Bandicam car only knows where is the starting point, then you go to some place where you are given instructions to the next point, and so on... How much fuel will you need?

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