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Video lags but game does not?

Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:37 am

I can record Tera in 2560x1440, all maxed with forced AA on in Motion Jpeg 80% @ 30 fps and the video has only a slight lag even though my fps in game is higher than the recording.

However, since these files grow quite large I wanted to be using Mpeg-1 or Xvid at 100% and have quite a bit smaller files but with either of these codecs, the video is lagging way more than with Motion Jpeg even though the files are way smaller in size now so it shouldn't be hard drive related and I doubt that my I7 3770k @ 4.5Ghz is failing in compressing this. When recording my CPU usage sits around 50% and my RAM is barely working (20% or so) yet the video still comes out laggy.

Is there any way I can fix this so I can record in Mpeg-1 (uglier but oh so much smaller) and hopefully upload directly to youtube? Any help fixing these issues would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, Is there any way to get Bandicam to actually use more of my CPU so as to relieve my graphic cards?

I did also try recording to one of my Samsung 830 SSD's and the lag issue still persists so the harddrive writing speed is not what is causing this.

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:19 pm

I wanted to be using Mpeg-1 or Xvid at 100% and have quite a bit smaller files but with either of these codecs, the video is lagging way more than with Motion Jpeg
Bandicam records and compresses the data at the same time.
If the recording target is bigger than 1080p, the video can be lagging.

To reduce lagging, start the game -> graphic card settings -> and reduce the game resolution.
- Related FAQ: ... recording/
By the way, Is there any way to get Bandicam to actually use more of my CPU so as to relieve my graphic cards?
No, you can't. Bandicam uses multithreading instead of supporting multi-core CPUs.

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:17 am

I see. But the issue here is that the video lags when I record in an uncompressed format more than whan I record while compressing. FPS wise the video shouldn't be lagging, because the FPS It was successfully recorded in was 30 but the video somehow still lags?

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:57 am

I've purchased this product about an hour ago and have the same issue, the output has lag.

I7-920 3.90 GHz
4GB Ram
GTX 680
Multiple SSD's 6GB/s
1920x1080 display.

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:46 am

I'm really deceived by this now.. :(

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:29 am

If I can pop in and give my two cents...

recording in MJPEG is less demanding than recording with MPEG-1, as there is less processing going on. People who are getting laggy recording with MPEG-1 are suggested to use MJPEG or similar, for instance. If your system is not capable of handling the recording of MPEG-1 at that resolution, the only thing to do for now is to do basic troubleshooting for recording (if you don't want to use a different codec)... reduce your recording resolution, reduce the game resolution, etc.etc
Good luck with it!

uncompressed video will probably have laggy playback if you are just watching the raw recording output file (avi). Try compressing it into a format you want to use (such as MP4, etc) and watch that video. It should come out just fine.

In both cases, you are just asking slightly more than your system can handle is all :geek: It will all work out, don't worry! ;)

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:06 am

Well, when I record in Mpeg or xvid the game itself doesn't go below 60 fps yet the recording (set to record at 30 fps) is playing it back in ~ 10 fps or something like that. If the system was unable to handle the recording then the game itself would most likely start lagging aswell right? Seeing as how it'd be CPU limited. If my CPU isn't lagging in CPU demanding games while i'm recording doesn't that point to some other issue? Another question I've got aswell is that how come I can record BF3 in 2560x1440 30 fps on max with the x.264 external codec but in way less demanding games, such as LoL, it makes my game come to a crawl (4-5fps)?

In any way I feel there is some issues where either the recordings lag where they shouldn't or the program is using up way too much resources for the task.

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Tue Jan 22, 2013 5:42 am

Well, when I record in Mpeg or xvid the game itself doesn't go below 60 fps yet the recording (set to record at 30 fps) is playing it back in ~ 10 fps or something like that. If the system was unable to handle the recording then the game itself would most likely start lagging aswell right? Seeing as how it'd be CPU limited. If my CPU isn't lagging in CPU demanding games while i'm recording doesn't that point to some other issue? Another question I've got aswell is that how come I can record BF3 in 2560x1440 30 fps on max with the x.264 external codec but in way less demanding games, such as LoL, it makes my game come to a crawl (4-5fps)?

Aside from checking if you have the "Skip Recording While Frame Is Not Updated" setting on, there are a few reasons this could happen, one is that in the 'less demanding' game, if other effects are turned up (including anti-aliasing, etc), recording will slow down (especially with AA being on at high resolutions). Also, some games are more CPU-taxing and some are more GPU-taxing. I haven't played LoL, but if it is more CPU-intensive, that would slow down recording processing vs a more GPU-oriented game which frees the CPU a lot more for other things. I do not know if these games fall into these categories, it is just an example.

The main thing to do is to turn things down, whether in the game (effects, shadows, resolution) or in Bandicam (codecs, bitrate, resolution) and see if that has an effect. For instance, if recording LoL at 720p at Quality 50 works great, but recording it at Quality 100 at 1440p does not, then the game may be too demanding and it is just too much to do it all at once, for now. Likewise, if recording a game at 720p is fine but recording the same game at 1440p is too laggy, then it is just too much to do it all at once, for now.

Good luck with it!

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:09 am

Here is how I solved that I had the same issue but found out it was my hard drive FAT settings..but here is a work around

Hey guys, as a serious gamer myself I have tried every gaming recorder out there and I choose bandicam because it doesn't lag like the others and I can fine tune it for my computer.

Here are some things that have helped me. They may or may not help you in your situation but I tried these techniques and they work. If you go to the youtube videos area of this forum you'll see videos I uploaded and you'll find they are smooth and even HD on some of them.

Improving FPS
I use an external usb Hard drive and I noticed on short videos the frame rates were great but on longer videos I started having stuttering. I knew this wasn't bandicam's fault as it wasn't lagging on the short videos. After much thought it dawned on me that the FAT file settings on the external usb were different than my hard drive so what was happening is the large video files going on my external usb drive were causing it to lag, not because of bandicam but my FAT file format on the external usb. Solution: All I had to do was go into Bandicam settings under the videos area and you'll notice there is a part where you can stop the recording at a preset time. So instead of having larger files you can make the file only about 5 minutes long so if you do a 15 minute video you will have 3 videos. But the 3 videos are smaller than a few large videos. This helped so much. I get no lag at all throughout the whole game and I am also doing commentary videos and it runs perfect even with my voice in game while playing.

ADDING VOICE and keeping a good FPS
I tweaked another setting. Rather than my voice constantly being recorded during the game I realized I didn't need that since you don't talk throughout the whole game but only on certain moments. Bandicam has a feature to where it will only record when pressing a key on the keyboard and you can assign what key to use. I chose the tab key so when I need to also record voice with game I hold down tab while talking and release when done. This keeps fps high as it doesn't have to constantly be recording voice when not needed. It is also wise to set it this way as to not pick up unnecessary background noise during play like dogs barking or phones ringing etc..

Getting rid of the black bars on the side of videos youtube problem
One of the other issues I had was the videos looked great but when I uploaded them to youtube those dang black bars 1 on each side, appeared on the video. I experimented a bit and found that if I match my monitor settings in bandicam with my actual monitor settings the black bars weren't there. In game I can set it at any resolution I want to improve fps but in Bandicam I set the monitor at my exact setting of my monitor 1366x768 So I get great fps in game as I can set that at whatever I want...but the black bars won't show up as I have the bandicam setting at what my monitor size really is.

Hope you guys find this helpful. Bandicam is the best it's all I use

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:37 pm

The MAIN reason why the video result lagging despite all the video setting is the bandicam itself not because your computer. the recording tool work for some game and not working well on some game, this is the most annoying.

For example, this tool recording SKYRIM flawlessly at any setting, but can't record uncompareable games like sonic allstar racing, blackops 2, or even warcraft 3. so the performance from bandicam is just can't be guarantee on any game, unlike fraps that work and resulting same result depend on your cpu power not depend on the game.

bandicam also record omerta city of gangster flawlessly, when bandicam work flawlessly on certain game, it could beat fraps because it's save hdd space alot., but when bandicam not compatible with a game even it can recording bandicam become useless as hell as you wasting time making good video and the result video destroying you.

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