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Feature Request: Automatically start passive game recording

Sat Jan 07, 2017 10:46 pm

Idea: A checkbox option to automatically start recording games upon launching them.


It really isn't a complicated feature I'm asking for. If Bandicam is open, and this option is turned on via a checkbox somewhere under Video Settings, it will automatically start recording any process it thinks is a game. The alternative is remembering to press the Record hotkey every time I start a game. With the option turned on, it will record the game automatically and save it to the default location etc. Sometimes I forget to do this, a really cool moment will happen in a game, and I won't have it recorded.

What about processes falsely detected as a game? Much like the FPS overlay will appear on these processes, so can a "reminder" of sorts appear in the corner for the the first 1-3 seconds to indicate to the user that the game/process is being recorded. This is obviously not that important.

Is this feature for everyone? Absolutely not. It's for people such as myself who wish to archive the last few hours of gameplay and cut out any good parts to use in videos. PlaysTV and ShadowPlay already do this once properly configured. I would much rather use Bandicam for obvious reasons :D
Please Please PLEASE implement this feature. Bandicam has never failed me, and if it can replace PlaysTV for me I'd be really grateful.

Bandicam Devs, I'm not sure if you respond to everything but if implementing this is plausible, please let me know. Thanks!

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Re: Feature Request: Automatically start passive game record

Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:33 am

Hey afroshots,

sounds a little complicated, I don't think they'd implement something for such a small use range; but don't you worry, there is a much better way to achieve the same, that would satisfy more users...
The Auto-START-recording function*
*Not yet implemented, no guarantee it will ever be.

Excuse me, I got carried away a little..
Please see this suggestion.

Bandicam Devs, I'm not sure if you respond to everything but if implementing this is plausible, please let me know. Thanks!
Luckily all declared in the forum rules, §56a (fine print):
Any feedback will be reviewed by our team.

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Re: Feature Request: Automatically start passive game record

Sun Jan 08, 2017 9:17 am

Hey afroshots,

sounds a little complicated, I don't think they'd implement something for such a small use range; but don't you worry, there is a much better way to achieve the same, that would satisfy more users...
The Auto-START-recording function*
*Not yet implemented, no guarantee it will ever be.

Excuse me, I got carried away a little..
Please see this suggestion.
Thanks for the reply Zuzu. I will admit I did not read any of the previous feature requests to double check if something like this had already been requested. It's a bit of a shame the "auto start recording" feature isn't very high on their priority list, I'd love to use bandicam for all my recording purposes. Thanks for letting me know though.

I'll have to jury rig a script or another to do this for me I suppose. Let this be proof that at least 2 people want this feature, if that means anything Bandisoft :P

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Re: Feature Request: Automatically start passive game record

Mon Jan 09, 2017 11:39 am

I could make a program where you could put a list of process names that it would continuously check to see is running, once it detects that process running it would 'press' the key to start recording. Once the process is terminated it would turn off recording.

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