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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:58 am


We will post an update announcement on the forum when the function is added.

Thank you.
do you have an eta? or rough guess of when it will be release?

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Wed Oct 03, 2018 3:21 am

Any updates? We are missing this feature so much...

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:57 pm

It's been 6 years (since 2012 when the post was first written)... any hints of whether this feature is even being "considered"? At the very least, let us know whether it's "not feasible, we're not going to do it" or "yes we're getting around to it".

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:54 pm

This function is marked as low priority.

Every time we get this question, we have no idea what to say.
We will forward your request to the development team again.

We're sorry that we couldn't give you the answer you wished for.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:40 pm

This function is marked as low priority.

Every time we get this question, we have no idea of what to say.
We will forward your request to the development team again.

We're sorry that we couldn't give you the answer you wished for.
If I may make a comment, that is a 'good enough reply', I suppose.
It lets us all know that your company still thinks of it and/or knows about it - and that you are not 'working on it' very much. That is all your choice and we should all thank you for this Reply.

If I may add though, I am unsure as to why such a useful function is not a higher priority...
Part of why I do NOT use some other recording programs, is that they do not have this function (buffered loop recording, saving the clip when the user desires to save "what just happened").
I use Bandicam because I have for so long now, for straight recording though, only when no buffered loop recording is needed... However, I find I am using other game recorders more and more (for buffered recording, 'saving the last 30 seconds') because that is how to catch things that happen in the gameplay that are interesting ("saving what just happened").

It is great to see Bandicam adding things like Webcam usage and 'writing on the screen' - and Bandicam is such a great Recorder program - but I have fears for Bandicam, that without features like
» Buffer/Loop Recording
» Streaming Capability (Twitch, YouTube, etc)
that many people will not use Bandicam and/or go to other programs, if features like these are not included soon...
It is just a Suggestion of course, Bandicam does not 'need these things'; but I also do not want to see Bandicam disappear or be 'left behind' in the crowd of programs.

I also realize there are many people that want Bandicam to do even more, such as light Clip Editing (cut, save clips, etc) and light Image Editing (resize screenshot, add filters/colors, etc)… it can all become so much, and make Bandicam so big and bulky - maybe someday make a statement, that you either "want to do EVERYTHING in the future [in Bandicam]" or "we will make other programs in the future that do those things [someday having programs like BandiEdit or BandiClip, etc]" or that you "don't want to do everything, just Really Good Recording ONLY [for Bandicam]", so that people do not ask anymore, hehe - I don't know, I am just shooting out ideas, trying to help.
Whatever happens, I still wish Bandicam all the best. It is still such a great recording program, no matter what. GL out there

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:11 am

still looking for this feature to be added, the many threads in your own forums and the many posts in this very thread support the idea of adding this feature

please stop saying we'll add it to the to do list, you have said it before and either you have several thousand items on the to do list or you're not really planning on doing it

be honest, you guys don't know how to do it do you?

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Dec 06, 2018 9:49 am


Thank you for your suggestion again.
Unfortunately, this function is marked as low priority.

Every time we get this question, we have no idea what to say.
We will forward your request to the development team again.

We're sorry that we couldn't give you the answer you wished for.

Thank you.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Fri Dec 07, 2018 10:38 am

Still low priority? I'm honestly surprised. It's the end of 2018, i think buffer should be a recording software standard by now. Most other recorders i've used have it nowadays and i've stuck to whichever works best. I've had LOTS of moments that i ended saving, altho later i deemed most of 'em not so great but at first glance they were awesome. The only thing i'm hoping for when this becomes a feature, it'll be memory-based. The other one i use right now uses storage for functioning, and let me tell ya, that's not so good if space runs low.

To me, this is more important than some streaming features or anything related. I really couldn't care less if Bandicam would support streaming or not, i wanna be able to buffer gameplay. Might as well add something here: time duration overlay. No, not like a timer or stopwatch or whatever u call it. I mean an actual time overlay that shows how long u've recorded.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:27 pm


Thank you for your suggestion.
We have forwarded your request to the development team.

We're sorry that we couldn't give you the answer you wished for.

Thank you.

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