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Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:39 pm

I've been a user of Bandicam for maybe a month or two, and I want to give some feedback.

First of all, Bandicam is really good, and laggs less on any game, and in my opinion, it's better than Fraps.
The free version has a 10-minute limit, while on Fraps, It's 30 seconds.

Second, Bandicam has less file sizes than any other game recorder (especially Fraps).

Third, you can record windowed programs. Which is even better!

Now, I've had a few minor problems with Bandicam. Like, hooking it to Minecraft and recording, crashes Minecraft. But of course, recording the window of Minecraft solves that problem.

So, in my opinion. Bandicam gets 9.5 out of 10.
Hope this feedback means anything to the Bandicam team.


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Re: Feedback

Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:23 pm

Hello LazehPanda,

This is Zun from Bandicam.

Thank you for your good feedback.
We will work hard to get 9.9 score from you. :D
hooking it to Minecraft and recording, crashes Minecraft.
=> I tried to make the same situation like yours, but I couldn't.
(I tested both web version Minecraft and client version Minecraft in Windows XP/7)

How can I make the Minecraft recording error?
Please, send the following information at
1. Windows version (32bit/64bit?)
2. Bandicam version (
3. Minecraft version (web/client, 1.6.6 beta?)
4. Where can I download the Minecraft? (Do you use an official version? or private/crack version?)

We will do our best to solve your recording problem.

Best Regards,

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Re: Feedback

Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:47 pm

#1: I have Windows Home Premium 64-bit version.
#2: My Bandicam version is the newest one. (
#3: I used the downloaded version. At the time it was Beta 1.7.2, now in 1.7.3, I still have the same problem.
#4: I use the official bought version of Minecraft.

Note: It may also be my computer. I've had a few issues with games crashing while using other programs, like XFire. But I'm not quite sure.


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Re: Feedback

Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:20 am

Thank you Bandisoft!

Until i detected Bandicam I recorded with Fraps but it was so laggy cause my notebook ist Not the Best.
Now it Works Fine!
I'm gonna make a Youtube Video about it in German Language very soon!
Just to explain German Gamers how it Works.
I didn't buy the Full Version so i've that bandicam Text on Top.
But i'm gonna do a Tutorial/Review anyway and i'll post it here!

So thank you very much!


Sorry my english is kind oft laggy :D

I forgot to leave a Rating! 9.5/10 Points!

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Bandicam Company
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Re: Feedback

Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:41 am


Your sense of humor is 9.5/10 points! :D

Sorry for the minecraft crashing.
We could't reenact the minecraft crashing in our computer.

If you want to make German forum like the French forum (, feel free to email me at

Thank you for adding watermark in your tutorial.
It will be a great advertisement for Bandicam.

Best Regards,

Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:04 am

Re: Feedback

Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:54 pm

The watermark is your work, Not mine :D

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