This is Zun from Bandicam.
We are quite sure that most users have much less lag than Fraps.
However, sometimes Bandicam has more lag than Fraps.
Fraps has to use a lot of system resources when recording because it has to write massive files to your hard disk drive.
On the other hand, Bandicam compresses the file when recording, and uses much lower CPU, GPU, and RAM usage than Fraps. But sometimes Bandicam uses more system resources than Fraps when compressing the videos. It depends on user's computer.
If you have a lag with Bandicam, you can reduce the Video Size, FPS and Video Quality at Bandicam format settings menu.
See https://www.bandicam.com/faqs/how_to_re ... recording/
Thank you for using Bandicam.
Best Regards,