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Bandicam crashing with my new microphone

Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:11 pm

Hi guys. I have recently bought a combination microphone headphones headset (Logitech H360 USB headset) for around £40. To my dismay however I have found that when I try to use this while recording with Bandicam it crashes and I can't record. I select it as the primary sound recording device in the Bandicam menus and it is recognised by Bandicam there but then when I actually press the F12 button to record while playing a game things crash and I get an error box which I can't progress from. Originally I was trying to record with Minecraft and the error box said something about Binary Java.

I wasn't sure if it was just Minecraft that the mictrophone was having trouble with as opposed to Bandicam itself so as a test I tried to record Solitaire and Minesweep using Bandicam and the new Logitech mic headset. Much like with Minecraft though this crashed as well so I'm thinking it must be Bandicam and the new mic that are clashing and thus causing the crash? Any ideas as to why my new Logitech H360 USB headset is causing Bandicam to crash?

I should point out as well that when I hooked up my older cheaper microphone to the PC and tried to record with that using Bandicam things were fine again so it just seems to be the new microphone that Bandicam doesn't like.

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Re: Bandicam crashing with my new microphone

Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:46 am


1. Change the recording Codec from "MPEG-1" to "PCM"

2. Uncheck "Two Sound Mixing" option.

If you still have the problem, please send screenshots including "Error message", "Video -> Sound Settings", and "Video -> Format Settings" window.

Sorry for the late reply.

Best Regards,

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Re: Bandicam crashing with my new microphone

Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:13 am

Thanks for the reply and the help. The Codec setting was already on PCM but I unchecked the two sound mixing box and that did prevent the crashing and I was able to use the new microphone.

When I uncheck the two sound mixing box however it causes problems when I upload to youtube as it removes the in game sound effects leaving only my voice doing the commentary. The game I'm recording is Minecraft and the videos don't really sound right on youtube without the sound effects. Is there anyway of using my new mic (as mentioned this is a Logitech H360 USB headset) with Bandicam but still keeping the two sound mixing box checked?

If not though then not to worry as my old mic isn't too bad anyway so I can continue with that if need be.

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Re: Bandicam crashing with my new microphone

Mon Sep 19, 2011 2:00 pm


Recording software can't record USB sound card, but we haven't tested a USB microphone.

We're not sure Bandicam can record the Logitech USB microphone.
So we ordered the Logitech H360 USB headset.

After testing the headset, we will post the testing results in this forum.

Thank you for telling us your problem.

Best Regards,

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