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Awful stuttering in bandicam - part 2

Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:59 pm

To Bandicam Developers:

I thought I'll give some update regarding this issue:


This time I've made a short 74sec video:
Please download and take a look, it's only 67MB

Launch your favourite video player that will let you display FPS on overlay during watching my video and pay attention to FPS.
Bandicam pretty nice does the job for this task.

As you will see the framerate/frametime during game is pretty costant, (upper left corner) BUT recorded footage is stuttering as hell.
Frames drops very often below 30fps.

I have perfect smooth game during recording/playing game
Recorded material droping frames from time to time, from 30fps to 26, etc, then return to 30fps.
You can easly see this issue starting at 30sec till the end of the movie.

This is definately problem with bandicam.

So, I have one simple question.

Will Bandicam developers EVER fix this issue or it's completely ignored by you guys.
I mean, cmon, alot peoples can easly reproduce this issue yet you claim that you can't reproduce.

This is frankly speaking a bit weird.
I still believe in a solid brand like is Bandisoft and someday I'll see a fix for this.

Don't ignore this problem.

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Re: Awful stuttering in bandicam - part 2

Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:00 pm


We will consider it in the future.

Thank you for the sample video.

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Re: Awful stuttering in bandicam - part 2

Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:07 pm

Yes, please address this!

Posts: 14
Joined: Thu May 19, 2011 2:54 pm

Re: Awful stuttering in bandicam - part 2

Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:20 pm

I, too, am having a "stuttering" problem with Bandicam. Or you could call it a "flickering" problem.
Not only does it flicker, but sometimes it "freezes" briefly.

Sure would like it to go away. Are you gents doing anything about this?

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