GameTipsAndMore Blog
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Guild Wars 2 - The Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle (Tips)

Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:56 pm

For those of you Bandicammers playing Guild Wars 2 at this time of year, I'm sure you'll agree that if there were an award for Most Frustrating Event of 'winter-timey' events of this season, the Winter Wonderland snowflake-jumping puzzle in Guild Wars 2 could arguably win the snowflake-shaped trophy... To try and help you all [I'm sorry I didn't see this event sooner!], here are some tips and methods for getting through this Wonderland Of Woe.. (actually showing it can be done as encouragement, as well!):

In Lion's Arch, near the display of presents and candy canes, speak with the Festive Youth (the map will have a red/white mint on it that says Winter Wonderland) and choose to brave the freezing peaks.
Inside, there are three paths to choose to jump to your death I MEAN GET the kiddies their presents by: a path marked by two Quaggan, a path with two Snowmen and a path with Gingerbread Men. They are all similar and all three will eventually converge into a center point marked my giant mints as platforms and Toymaker Trixx warming himself by a fire. Warming yourself is what you'll need to do - and fast - as the more time you spend jumping around on the snowflake platforms, the more damage you will take from the exceedingly-cold environment.
Once you get past the questions of why they just didn't build a causeway lined with intermittent fireplaces or just teleported you past this area, you can start to jump your way up the snowflakes into the white beyond, hurdling candy cane rungs on the way.

For more details, tips and a bunch of suggestions, see the Main Article for this Video at the Blog: ... inter.html

Good Luck with it and See You In The Game!
Last edited by GameTipsAndMore Blog on Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 3:59 am

Re: Guild Wars 2 - The Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle (Tip

Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:00 am

I'm going to guess, you're pretty good at Mario. :P

And I have a friend I think would enjoy this video. :)

Anyways, nicely played. :D

GameTipsAndMore Blog
Posts: 453
Joined: Thu May 17, 2012 12:39 am

Re: Guild Wars 2 - The Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle (Tip

Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:45 am

I'm going to guess, you're pretty good at Mario. :P

And I have a friend I think would enjoy this video. :)

Anyways, nicely played. :D
Haha, thanks :lol:

I hope your friend enjoys it and finds it helpful too :)

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