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Is there a bug in the sound options?

Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:37 am

Hi @ll,

I would like to know if this happens only to me or it is a general problem (a bug) in the code of Bandicam.

I was looking after a video with 2 sound tracks, one for the sounds of the game and the other for microphone, so I could be able to edit them independently later with Adobe Premiere.

So following the guidelines I unchecked Mixing sounds, in order to get 2 tracks, but what I got was none. I tested it several times to not avail.

In the other hand, if I check the box for Saving audio tracks during recording then I got 2 wav files, so it can be a workaround, even when it was intended to have it bundled already with the video stream, so this is adding more job for me during the editing time.

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:22 am

No its doing what its supposed to do. I don't think it was supposed to have 2 tracks bundled with the video most video editors wouldn't even be able to support that without losing part of the sound or plain not accepting it. Its always been this way.

Dragging and dropping two sound files into your movie isn't really more work is it?

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Mon Oct 13, 2014 2:53 pm

so I could be able to edit them independently later with Adobe Premiere.
Did you choose the "PCM" audio codec of Bandicam?

To edit with Adobe Premiere, you have to choose the "PCM" audio codec.

For more information, visit

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:11 pm

No its doing what its supposed to do. I don't think it was supposed to have 2 tracks bundled with the video most video editors wouldn't even be able to support that without losing part of the sound or plain not accepting it. Its always been this way.

Dragging and dropping two sound files into your movie isn't really more work is it?
Well, Adobe does and so other NLE I used before.

No, it wont be a lot of work, if you just work with a video or Bandicam would create a different folder for every new video where related files would be stored, but if you plan to record a few sessions of a game to get a few scenes to be edited and create a video, then, oh yes, is a hell of a job, mostly cause the naming system it has. It could be offered just to number them, like vid001, vid002 and so on, but is not and computers are good to read big series of numbers, just I am a human being (well if you speak to my ex's they will tell you a different thing).

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Tue Oct 14, 2014 8:38 pm


Did you choose the "PCM" audio codec of Bandicam?

To edit with Adobe Premiere, you have to choose the "PCM" audio codec.

For more information, visit

I did read, trust me, nearly all the help/documentation pages. And so I did as suggested, but found a lot of troubles in my workflow doing so.

The problem for me is that recording in Motion JPEG those files are huge and in my rigg they are stored in a different hd than the one I use for edition, so I have to move them to that one, increasing a lot my pre-working time. In the other hand h264 is the final result I need, so using it as origin final results are better than if transcoding from one codec to the next.

So I started to look into the problem and found that Premiere Elements 13 takes normal Bandicam H264 + MPEG-1 L2 but Premiere Pro CC 2014 doesn't, but I was able to use AVI's with H264 encoded video created with some other program, so the problem was not the audio or the video codec.

To make it short I found that the problem is related to the BandiAviMuxer and the wrap it does. So I downloaded ffmepg static build from this place and then created a batch file with the lines:

for %%a in (*.avi) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mp4 -y "%%~na".mp4
del *.avi

I just have that batch file and the static build in the same folder where Bandicam stores the records, so before to work on them I run the batch, wich will copy the video just with different wraper, making a MP4, which Premiere is very happy to handle.

Also found that Premiere Pro CC 2014 is happy taking audio in format MPEG-1, but as audio is not the very big load on the size of a record I use PCM for compatibility, just in case I have to use some other program in the process.

Edited: When I did write this I haven't yet tested any file with PCM processed with ffmpeg and it came up as not compatible, but as I told before MPEG-1 is accepted by Premiere Pro, so not a major issue, back to my origins and happier.

Now still the original question, being able to create a video with at least 2 audio streams could be useful. Or to apply each one to a different stereo channel. Otherwise a more human wise naming system for files could help to sort the problem for those, like me, that use a lot of files before to create a single one with scenes of the originals.

Thx for reading this and my apologies as I don't know how to explain it shortly.

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:01 pm


Please try Bandicam 2.1.0.

This new version supports the .mp4 container as shown below:

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Re: Is there a bug in the sound options?

Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:26 pm

How it comes that Bandicam doesnt warn me about new versions? I just downloaded the one I have installed before yesterday, after a clean up in my hard drive, lol.

Anyway, thx very much, that's a great improvement for me and my GF says thx too, now i will have more free time!!!

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