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Blurriness on screen recording

Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:15 am

For some reason, I can't seem to get a completely crisp resolution when screen recording. I've tried all the available codecs and I've maxed everything out. I remember having a previous version of Bandicam on Windows 7 where I could record videos with a level of resolution that was virtually impossible to tell apart from the real screen. It was 100% lossless.

Currently, I'm using an Asus notebook, i7, nvidia gtx 960m on Windows 10. My version of Bandicam is

There is no corruption or weird compression effect, and the frame rate is perfect (set at 60fps). What I'm saying is that if I'm showing, say, a PDF file on my screen, the text won't be as sharp on the video as it is live on my screen. Or to put it another way, if I look very closely at a vertical line on my screen (say letter I) I can see that it occupies one single column of pixels when I see it live. But If I record it and look at the video on the same screen, that same vertical line will be made up of *two* columns of pixels.

I hope my explanation makes sense.

How to fix this? I basically want to have the same level of sharpness on the video that I see on the screen live. I know this is possible, but Bandicam isn't letting me get that. Thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:59 pm


Could you please send the original screenshot and video file to

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:54 am


As I was re-recording the videos to illustrate the problem, I stumbled upon a solution, even though I still don't understand why exactly this is happening. Basically, if I deactivate all additional screens, I'll get a perfect resolution. I'll send the videos to the email address you provided.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Wed Mar 16, 2016 6:56 am


As I was re-recording the videos to illustrate the problem, I stumbled upon a solution, even though I still don't understand why exactly this is happening. Basically, if I deactivate all additional screens, I'll get a perfect resolution. I'll send the videos to the email address you provided.
This is quite interesting. I have noticed a bluriness too but could not find out how and when this started. I have two screens installed at my computer and use the second one to "monitor" recording time while recording gameplay on the other screen.

I will have to check if disabling will get rid of the blurriness on my system and report back.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:05 am

Unfortunately on my system deactivating the second screen does not help with blurriness.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Wed Mar 16, 2016 4:24 pm

Sorry to hear that. Have you tried recording on the second screen, instead? The thing that initially tipped me off is that I tried recording on my secondary screen first and noticed the video was much sharper, even when the main screen was on. Then I turned off the second screen and, as I said, the recording on the main screen turned perfect, too.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Wed Mar 16, 2016 10:21 pm

I removed Bandicam and installed it fresh. The Blurriness is now gone... I also reinstalled the codec I have been using to record (MagickYUV). One of this helped obviously. I am happy to report everything is okay now.

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Re: Blurriness on screen recording

Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:34 am

I know this is an old post, but I recently was trying to figure out what was causing the softness in bandi recordings where screenrecorder 4 had no issues. I tried the re-install and alternate monitor methods above with no success. The resolution for me was disabling "Use enhanced capture method (faster, Windows 8 or above)" on the recording settings "Options" tab. Turn it on, soft (fuzzy) recordings. Turn it off, clean and crisp and better saturation on colors.

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