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[Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sun May 13, 2012 12:39 am

After trying out the trial version (great job on letting it be unrestricted besides the logo, so that all the features can be tried out), I am now a Registered Supporter of Bandicam! I love how it compresses the recording on-the-fly and doesn't have any of the huge file sizes that other game recording software create, while keeping the quality - way to go Bandi :!:

My suggestion for future versions is, possibly having a buffer or recording loop, where a specified amount of time is buffered, that way when something happens that you want to save, it can make sure to 'keep' that portion of video, so you do not miss what happened.
Since it would be using the hard drive to buffer the period of time, as a file, there would maybe need to be a warning that it is using the hard drive as a buffer (if that is how it would be set up) and that it may affect the performance of Bandicam. Perhaps you could figure out another way, since you got Bandicam working so well.

I suppose that such a thing may not be needed, since we can record the entire gameplay session with Bandicam and the amount of space it takes up :lol: Just wonderful stuff, I am proud to be a Supporter of Bandicam.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Mon May 14, 2012 2:24 pm

Hello Troy!

We have added your idea in our TO DO LIST.

Thank you for suggesting the Recording Buffer / Loop idea.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:28 am

Great! I Hope your list isn't long :D

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:07 am

Hey Bandisoft, You guys need to check out the prerecord feature in Afterburner if you haven't already. The option here is to offer Buffer to RAM or File. You can buffer by time or target file size reached, whichever is sooner. The important thing is definitely offer Buffer to RAM as constant buffering to SSD would/does worry a lot of people because of the constant writes and rewrites created by buffering to file.

The way it works for AB is a manual or auto-buffer prerecord. If you set to manual you have a Hotkey to begin buffering, and a Hotkey to save the buffer/file. Once the Hotkey is pressed though, buffer is dumped to file but recording continues until you hit the record Hotkey again. At that point the file is saved and then buffering to RAM restarts, until you hit record again and so on. In Auto prerecord, buffering begins on the launch of a 3D app and quits on exit of the game.

Hope that was clear and made sense? :D

Anyway would be a very welcome feature!

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:16 pm

I support this idea (and glad that the devs have put it on a to-do list) :)

I can then disable Shadowplay and use Bandicam exclusively now :D

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:08 pm

Did this ever get anywhere? perhaps it's still on the to do list? I'm getting a number of crashes in software I use and it would be good to record events like this without just recording all day long and then deleting it.

I think 30 secs buffered to ram would be plenty for this. Certainly no more than a minute.


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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:44 am

Just wanted to pop in and say I support this,

Afterburner is great, but it conflicts with AMD Gaming Evolved (Raptr) and some games don't like it *coughhearthstonecough* - whereas Bandicam runs with 'everything' and it all works great...

Good luck with it!

Edit: added that MSI_AB doesn't seem to work with Hearthstone :( ... caman bandeh, save us all!
Last edited by GameTipsAndMore Blog on Thu Sep 03, 2015 6:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:41 pm

Bumpity bump.... any updates from the devs on this?

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:22 am

is this feature still on the to do list?

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Re: [Suggestion] Recording Buffer / Loop

Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:39 am


We will post an update announcement on the forum when the function is added.

Thank you.

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