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Another Suggestion..

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:57 pm

Yay. As if there weren't enough already. Still I would like to - as we Germans (or rather I) would say -meinen Senf dazugeben.

So here's what I had in mind:
Bandicam should have a Steam-like library that you can add games to.
You can store settings for each of them individually and you can even record them on launch.

And if you really wanna go for the pinnacle, Bandicam could also have a game-overlay that you can toggle, to see information about the (if) ongoing recording (as an addition to the FPS counter).

People seem to be suggesting a lot - even though not as much new stuff lately..
Would I be in the right, guessing you're still busy improving 4.0?

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Re: Another Suggestion..

Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:02 pm

Hello Zuzu_Typ,

We will forward your suggestions to our development team.

Thank you.

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