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Re: FPS limiting

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:30 am
by alexsama
I know what i talk. I did some tests, when i have aero enabled the frame rate drops. If i turn to non-aero theme i don't have anymore the frame rate drop. So it's a aero-bandicam bug i think.

OS: windows 7 x64 ultimate

Re: FPS limiting

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:37 am
by Psyoletic
Hi alexsama,

I think you have answered your own question, you mentioned that you turn off aero in Windows 7 and for a user to be able to enable aero the specification of the computer would need to be fairly average. Aero is dependant upon as graphics card and a feasible amount of ram.

Please state your computers specification; it sound like you need more juice :)

Re: FPS limiting

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:58 am
by alexsama
To tell the truth i play a game which i have screen tearing, the aero corrects the game so that i have no more screen tearing, it's like a vsync. Aero uses vsync to render it's ''3D'' and effects, if i disable it i have massive screen tearing in that game. I tried to activate vsync from the driver but i still get over 70 FPS in game (my monitors is 60Hz) which makes the game not smooth, this is because the engine game is so old that it doesn't know what vsync option does so my best change is to manually limit the fps to match my monitors refresh rate. I have to choose two options: play without smoothness or play with smoothness(thanks to fps limiter which bring my fps from 70+ to 60) but have screen tearing.

If i combine bandicam 'fps limiter' and aero 'vsync options' i have those ''frame drops'', i can't call the frame drops because there is solid 60 fps, but the gameplay is ''laggy'' or choppy, you actually feel it you play at 20-25 fps rather than 60.

It's not aproblem of ''juice'', the game i play is old with almost 10 years and my pc is:

cpu:i5 2.67
video: nvidia gtx 460 1gb hawk
ram: 4gm ram ddr3

I hope you understand me.