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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:43 pm

Hi kogashuko,

1. Do you use SLI (Scalable Link Interface) when you play a game?
Please turn off the SLI, and try it again.

2. Which games do you play?
Please let us know the game titles which you can't see the FPS.

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:12 am


Single card / non-sli with latest drivers (stopped working with a driver update in june)
Games that do not work are as follows.
Battlefield 3
Tribes Ascend
Planetside 2
Call of Duty Black Ops.
and anything else Directx that I have tried. I no longer get the FPS overlay on anything. I use to get it on any window including windows media player and anything else. It simply no longer works.

I am seriusly considering getting an HDMI splitter / HDMI to composite converter / and a composit HD stand alone capture device. This way I do not have to A - crop the footage from 3 monitors to 1, B- dont take the performance hit from being forced to capture 5760x1080p, C- have the thing actually work. It would have been real nice to simply have been told that you all didnt have the resources to provice timely updates when a mfg improves their drivers (instead of "lifetime updates" that dont come in our "lifetime"). I could have saved my $40 and gone ahead and invested $200 in this described hardware setup. As of right now I am forced to use a Gopro camera in front of my monitor.


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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:51 am

How is this coming along? Have you guys had any luck fixing this issue?

I see you all are still selling the software so that means you have a coder that works on these types of problems?

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:43 am

Well I have fixed the problem. I purchased a h.264 HDMI hardware encoder for $200. I will be uninstalling bandicam. I wish I had know when I purchased Bandicam that the software would not be updated for new drivers but the developers would continue selling the software like nothing was wrong. I could have used the $40 towards the capture card.

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:34 pm

Dear kogashuko,

We're really sorry that we haven't fixed the problem yet.

We will fix this bug as soon as possible.
And send an email and reply to this post when we fix the bug.

Best wishes,
Bandicam Team

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:42 pm

I just put in my capture card night before last. It was $200 but it works. I get decently sized files with no FPS hit. I also have the option to only capture from my center display. I will be uninstalling Bandicam. I guess I am just out $40.

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Wed Oct 03, 2012 4:22 pm

Yesterday was the first day of usage of bandicam and I did not have this problem. I recorded for a couple hours without any interruption. Today though bandicam would stop hooking every 5-20 minutes.

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:24 pm

Do you use FXAA injector in Battlefiled 3?
We've fixed the FPS disappearing bug when users are using FXAA injector, and the fixed version will be released in a week.

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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Fri Oct 05, 2012 7:33 am

i also have this problem since a few months... i bought bandicam because its awesome and it worked perfectly fine. But a few weeks after i bought it i got those unhooking problems in ANY Game. I tried a bunch of games and on every single one it unhooks after a while...

I hope u guys going to fix this problem soon. U better do :<


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Re: bandicam stops working at random intervals (stops hookin

Fri Oct 05, 2012 11:42 am

Another user with the same error here. Like the OP, I just bought the program after flawless runs with the free trial. :x

The program just would not lock onto any window, so it only worked in rectangle frame mode. It has been like this since I put my registration code in about a day ago.

As I type this, attempting different windows, enabling the firefox hooking in the options (just switched back from chrome recently), reinstalling/updating java and directX, restarting bandicam, the problem actually fixed itself! I'm not sure if any of the above is really related as it hasn't worked for over a day, but that is my short-term experience thus far.

update: yeah. it is alt-tabbing breaking it for me. I get it back when I restart bandicam usually. Hope to see this bug fixed soon. Program is a little expensive to be breaking whenever I switch screens.

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