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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:46 pm

but can't record uncompareable games like sonic allstar racing, blackops 2, or even warcraft 3.
We can easily find the game videos on YouTube.
- Black ops 2: ... 2+bandicam
- Warcraft 3: ... 3+bandicam
- Sonic: ... r+bandicam

If we can reproduce the problem, we can fix it.
We've tried Black ops 2, Warcraft 3, but we could record the game without any problems.
(Some users can't record Warcraft 3, but we've failed to reproduce the problem. We're keeping an eye on this issue.)

We will also try Sonic all star racing.

Thank you very much for your report/complaint!

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Sat Apr 06, 2013 7:27 am

I found a way to reduce lag and even get rid of it. See the video below? That's Arma III which is really tough on your pc it requires a lot of power. I messed around with the Bandicam settings and found you can set the video capture time in Bandicam to 5 minutes for example. What this means is every 5 minutes Bandicam ends that part of the video and begins another one so if you were recording 10 minutes of game play you would have 2 videos and then you just import them into Windows movie maker and combine it to one video.
WHY DO THIS? Well I found that if Bandicam is recording the videos and your video starts to get rather large it is your hard drive or external drive that starts lagging as large files slow up the drive. But when you set it to 5 minutes for each recording it makes the files smaller.
Ever notice how sometimes Bandicam is really good in the beginning of the game but later your game starts lagging? I have discovered it is because the hard drive or external drive you are using to record is actually lagging and not bandicam. Try it and mess around with it. I found 5 minutes is the sweet spot. See video below settings on High in Arma III it runs smooth for me.

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:18 am

I'm having this issue as well. The longer the video goes, the worse the lag/frame drops. I limited recording to 5 gigs per file, but still get the some lag.

Luckily, it isn't very noticeable on YouTube but I'd still like to resolve it. I used Fraps until recently and never saw this issue. Let me know if more info is needed.
Bandicam Settings.jpg
Bandicam Settings.jpg (157.47 KiB) Viewed 28356 times

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:41 pm

Hi Malachai,

What is the resolution of the video you recorded through Bandicam?
To reduce lagging, you may reduce the video resolution of the recording target.

For more information, visit ... recording/

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Fri Apr 19, 2013 2:02 am

Thank you for the response.

I'm recording at 1920x1080. I'd rather not lower the resolution down beyond that for multiple reasons. Further, I don't think my machine should have issues with it, especially since there wasn't a problem with Fraps though I do understand Fraps was (mostly) uncompressed.

CPU - i7-3770K (3.5ghz)
RAM - 16 Gigs
GPU - GTX 680

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Re: Video lags but game does not?

Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:20 am

thanks for the input! I also have same problem but then it got fixed as I read through your posts. Thankfully!

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