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Reg issues!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 2:01 am
by User232
I am getting pretty frustrated with this program. When I try to register I get the following error: Cannot connect to register server. Check your internet connection.

Yes I have internet and it works.
I have uninstalled and then re-installed multiple times.
I have turned the firewall off.
I have created an exception to allow with the firewall on.
I even tried swearing profusely...several times..nothing works.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't think it matters but I purchased the 2 license pack. I did not install the second one yet as I am still trying to get the first one to work.


Re: Reg issues!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 4:17 am
by Decicus
I've seen you post on multiple threads, and I just want to say one thing.
There is absolutely not just "one single fix" for this, and it's also on your side. I just tried re-registering my license, and it registered right away.
Since you have it as an exception in your firewall, it might be your router/modem blocking it for one reason or another. Although, again, there's no "one quick fix" for this issue, because it's 99.9% of the time on the client's end.

Re: Reg issues!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:05 pm
by Bandicam Company

It might be a problem with the system clock, Internet delay or a firewall.

1. Set your system clock correctly (Recommended).
If your computer's clock is set incorrectly, it can happen.
Please set your system clock correctly (

2. Try it again several times (Recommended).

3. Turn off your firewall and try it again.
(The firewall could be your anti-virus software, Windows' firewall, company's firewall or network firewall.)

4. Check your host file (c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
(You shouldn't add to the host file.)

If you still have the problem, please email us at

Best regards,
The Bandicam Team