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Bandicam - integrated sound card or not?

Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:18 am

I'm unable to find this on the internet and i just have to know.

If i record gameplay footage with Bandicam (or any other capture program), will the audio sound better if i have a good sound card or not? My main question is like. Does bandicam capture the sound from the sound card or not? Will recording gameplay with a better soundcard sound better once uploaded to youtube or not?

Kinda like the USB connceted microphones don't use the sound card so you bypass it with them. But does this count for recording programms? Do the programms directly record the audio from the source or from the sound card?

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Re: Bandicam - integrated sound card or not?

Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:31 pm

If you have a good sound card, the microphone sound might be better.
However, even though you have a good sound card, the computer sound will be same because the sound information is digital.

Bandicam records the audio from the sound card.

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