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Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Sun May 03, 2015 7:18 am

We have taken some movies with an SLR Nikon camera. It creates .mov files.

The video we are using is about 7 minutes long (1 GB file size). We open the file, cut a segment (about 1 minute long) with the most recent version of Bandicut and the output file cannot be opened by Windows Media Player or VLC Media Player.

Any suggestions on fixing this? Thank you

EDIT: Maybe this will help determine the problem. We recorded some pc video using Bandicam (.avi) and the Bandicut output file plays fine. The irony here is that the .mov videos are what we need and the .mp4 output file does not play. Incidentally, I do not mind if the output file is .avi, but it automatically is coming up .mp4. Help?

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Mon May 04, 2015 3:32 pm

Hello Malkav,

Could you please send your video file to
You may send the video file through Dropbox (2GB~):

If you cut the .mov file, Bandicut saves it as an .mp4 file for convenience.

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Wed May 06, 2015 12:52 am

I sent the video yesterday. Thanks for looking into this.

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Wed May 06, 2015 2:40 pm


Thank you for sending your video file.

If you use the High-speed mode, Bandicut adds 2 sets of video header information.
However, sometimes, "Windows Media Player in Windows 7" doesn't recognize this new header information.
We will try to fix this issue in the future.

We have no idea why your VLC media player can't play the video.

Please let us know the following information:

1. What is your VLC version?
2. Do you use Windows 7?
3. Do you have the problem with the latest VLC media player (VLC 2.2.1)?

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Thu May 07, 2015 1:01 am

It is VLC Version 2.2.1 and Windows 7.

Back to Windows Media Player for a moment. When I try to use the recommended setting at segment 0:05:35.52 ~ 0:06:37.04, it will not play. But it does seem to play if I use the slow encoding. Now the strange thing is that if I do an earlier segment, the recommended setting output file will play in Windows Media Player. Maybe this is just an issue based on the header information using the high-speed mode.

However, we can use the slower mode to generate the file even though it is a larger file size. This solution works for us just fine. Thank you very much for looking into this problem!

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:15 pm

I spent a few hours tuning all the equipment but nothing worked. I already thought to give up this idea, but I realized that I just had an old version of this player installed, I just updated the version from this site And after a few minutes of setup everything started to work and I'm very happy. I hope my experience will be useful to someone.

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Re: Cannot Open Bandicut's .mp4?

Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:21 am

did you tried media player clasic homecinema edition ?

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