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Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:11 pm

Hi guys,

I have noticed this for a time, but didn't nail it down till now.

Some months ago, I found Bandicam (and registered it immediately!) and started using it full-time. At the time, gaming IM clients such as Xfire or Raptr (sometimes even Steam and Origin), will have weird problems when trying to bring them up. Things will be missing or they don't even activate at all. I went to their forums and reported this but they all seem to say their clients seem fine.

Couple of days back, I loaded FRAPs again accidentally (clicked wrong icon), and voila! All the gaming client problems went away. I was amazed, and decided to load Bandicam again - and the problem came back. I repeated this this various games, loading FRAPS and then Bandicam or vice versa to test the gaming client overlay problems.

Thus it seemed like the Bandicam may have some code that interfered with the overlays from the other gaming clients. This happens whether I am recording or not.

What can I provide to the Bandicam team to confirm or deny this? Is there a log I can show or send for further investigation?

I really prefer Bandicam over FRAPS, because of 2 reasons - I can put a logo into the recorded clip without any postprocessing, and the resulting recorded file is wayyyyy smaller than what FRAPS produce at equivalent screen resolution and quality.

OS - Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Gfx card - ATI Radeon 6950
Catalyst drivers 12.1

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:57 pm


Thank you for telling us your problem.

Some Skype users sent the similar bug report, but we couldn't reproduce/solve the bug.
We just guess the messenger program and Bandicam are using similar recording devices, and it causes the problem.

* Question.
Do you always have the problem?
When do you have the problem? => When you start the Xfire?, when you click the record button of Bandicam, and etc.

Looking forward to your reply

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:01 am

It won't happen 100% of the time, but maybe 80% to 90% of the time. It happens less if I load Raptr (steam, origin, xfire) first, then load Bandicam LAST, but doesn't solve the problem. The problem just has a slightly higher chance of not happening.

If I load Bandicam FIRST, then xfire/origin/etc etc, then it ALMOST ALWAYS happens (near 100% of the time). If I load Bandicam LAST, then it happens maybe 80% to 90% of the time... meaning once or twice the overlays will work fine, but most times they don't.

Steam is a weird one... sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. There is no discernible pattern for Steam that I can report right now.

As I mentioned in earlier post, at this stage I have not even STARTED any sort of recording yet. I load Bandicam, Raptr, Steam, etc etc, then start a game (any game). Once in the game MAIN MENU, I will not be able to bring up Raptr or Steam or Origin overlays. Sometimes the overlays may contain only SOME parts of their functions, eg some buttons will be missing, or windows will be in weird places, or nothing except the cursor shows up. In the worst case, the overlays just won't come up at all.. ie hitting the hotkeys does NOTHING.

Even when I go into the game proper, the problem will still persist, until I alt-tab out, unload Bandicam, and switch back to the game, then the overlays will come up fine (with Bandicam UNLOADED).

If I then I alt-tab out (while the game proper is running), load Bandicam, then the gaming overlays and the Bandicam one MAY work (abt 20% to 30% of the time). Sometimes even doing this will not fix this problem.

Please note, I am describing what happens BEFORE I activate any function of Bandicam... eg no recording, no screenshots etc...just merely loading and unloading Bandicam, that's all.

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:51 am


Steam Overlay, no Bandicam loaded

Raptr Overlay, no Bandicam loaded

Raptr Overlay, Bandicam loaded

Steam won't even activate, so can't take a pic

Hope it gives you an idea of what is happening...

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:31 pm

Thank you for your detailed explanation and screenshot.
We reproduced the Raptr problem, and we will try to solve this problem.

Thank you so much!

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:43 pm

Cool! Glad you managed to track this problem down!

Hope you guys will be able to solve this relatively quickly and easily :) Thanks!

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:39 am

We've tried other DirectX hooking software (Dxtory and etc.)
Other hooking programs have the same problem.

Actually, we can temporary solve this problem for Raptr users,
But our solution will be a temporary solution.

We think "Raptr has to solve the unstable hooking problem".

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Re: Bandicam Overlay interfering with gaming clients?

Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:21 am

Hi guys,

I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to let you know the latest version of Bandicam seems to have fixed this problem.

Game with Bandicam running

Game with Bandicam running and Raptr overlay activated (You can see a very very faint Bandicam green FPS counter on the top left corner of the monitor)

I don't know what you guys did, but THANK YOU! I'm back to using Bandicam full-time again :)

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