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Suggestion: Multiple tracks and keyframes

Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:02 am

Dear Bandicut developers,

I would like to suggest to use multi-tracks instead of a segment list and add the ability to have keyframes(?)

What do I have on mind?
I took a screenshot of Bandicut and edited it until it looked similar to what I'd expect.
The Future.png
The Future.png (55.29 KiB) Viewed 6941 times
The segments are now tracks that line up with the timeline.

The timeline now has actual time underneath the bar and the time-cursor reaches to the very bottom of the segment list.

I moved the menu elemnts down in order to have fewer distance between the timeline and the segments.

I removed the video-beginning and -end sliders, since it would now be as long as the tracks last.

I put the keyframe buttons next to the timeline.

The K and crossed-out-K buttons are for adding and removing keyframes and the arrow buttons to select keyframes.

I haven't added a scrollbar yet to move the timeline, because I didn't know where to put it.

I would suggest that you can zoom in and out of the time (smaller and greater periods) using ctrl+mousewheel and change the height of the tracks/segments using shift+mousewheel OR use just the mousewheel for scrolling in the track list and shift+mousewheel to scroll in the timeline, because that's similar to GIMP's mechanics.

What do I mean by "keyframes"?
Keyframes are essential for most of my upcoming suggestions .

You can visualize them as points on a graph, where the Y coordinate is some kind of intensity of an effect or e.g. width / xPos of a video
and the x coordinate is the time of the video.

Say you want to zoom into the video and zoom back out.

You first have a keyframe where the size is normal.
Then you have a keyframe where the size is upscaled slightly later,
When you don't need the zoom anymore you add the next keyframe that is still upscaled
and finally you have another keyframe where it's back to normal.

The output would be that at some point the video slowly zooms in, stays zoomed and finally zooms out again.

Depending on how you connect the keyframes (linear, exponential, cubic, circular or howsoever) changes how sudden it zooms.

I would request that you give the user control about this, because most editing software doesn't.

I still feel like I missed half of what I wanted to say, so please ask or add if you want to.

Who would this appeal to?
Everybodey. Without this you cannot have any "real" editing.

I wish you luck and a nice day,

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Re: Suggestion: Multiple tracks and keyframes

Sun Jul 31, 2016 11:24 pm

Maybe you can even add a thing I'd like to call "jumper keyframe", that instead of slowly changing overtime, changes a value immediately.

This is quite useful.

I can't give a good example for a use, but I can say that I've missed this feature in other video editors.

Have a nice day and best regards,

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