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Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Mon Jan 20, 2014 1:08 am

So Bandicam used to work amazingly well for me, I used to open Minecraft, put it full screen, and get a nice recording at about 60fps. Recently I've had to do a system restore, and therefore reinstall all my softwares including Bandicam and Minecraft. Now Minecraft still plays at its same 140fps, but Bandicam with DirectX on full screen only does 20fps, when I have rectangle on a screen or shrink Minecraft it records at 90fps. But Fraps does that naturally for me anyway. I don't want to leave Bandicam, but unless someone can think of a solution I'm afraid it'll have to happen :(

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:36 pm

maybe you should change you Minecraft settings and youf graphics card settings

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:34 pm

Bandicam has some lag issues with minecraft. Don't know why. Works well with other games.

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:59 pm


What is the resolution of the video you recorded through Bandicam? (Video Size)
If you record Minecraft with the "DirectX/OpenGL window" mode of Bandicam, you will get a big video file.
If the video resolution is higher than 1080p, Bandicam can be lagging because Bandicam has to compress the bigger video file.

To reduce lagging, please reduce the video size of Bandicam.

For more information, visit ... recording/.

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:28 pm

I have noticed that sometimes there are updates to the Java Machine (that runs Minecraft, it runs on Java) that cause performance problems, and then after a couple more updates to Java, the problems seem to go away. This is without changing the version of Bandicam. This may not be the only cause of your issue, but it could definitely contribute to the change in performance.

The only way to truly stay 'locked in' to a combination that works, is to download the older version of Java that you were using and the older version of Bandicam that you were using, at a time when everything was superfast - but you would be opening yourself to possible security risks and other potential issues with other programs that use Java... However, if you don't consider those possibilities to be a big deal: find the two versions that worked for you the best and install them again and your performance should be back to where it was - fast again 8-)

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:12 am

I had a strange problem when it comes to Minecraft. I used to record my gameplay with an 128 resource pack and experienced no lags at all. Then I didn't play for some time, and when I tried to record another gameplay video (this time with a 64x64 pack) it felt like walking through jelly.
I tried all kinds of changes in the graphics menu, uninstalled an older Java version, but then it ocurred to me that the only really new thing I was using was ... Optifine.

Yes, I know, it's supposed to improve your fps, but for some reason I could no longer record smoothly with Bandicam, regardless which codec I was using (I tried Cuda, Lagarith and DivX). The videos looked mostly normal, but the gameplay was horrible.

So maybe you could try recording without Optifine and see if it helps. :|

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:41 pm

Hi Kansa,

Could you send a short video clip to

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:27 am

Thanks, but I have no problems at the moment, I just wanted to help the thread starter find the problem. I don't really need Optifine, so it's okay for me (the videos are just for private purposes). :)

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Re: Bandicam Minecraft Lag.

Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:11 pm

Quick update:
Everything works fine since I installed the latest driver for my graphic card (Nvidia GTX 660M). The game runs much smoother, even with shaders, and the recording seems much smoother as well. So apparently it wasn't an Optifine problem.

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