So, This is my first post on this website. I've bought the software awhile ago, and have used it with minimal issues, but lately it's been annoying me. I Have two main issues.
1: My files move back to the Documents/Bandicam folder almost randomly. Sometimes they stay in the folder I moved them to, sometimes they don't. The worst example of this was a few days ago when I moved my pictures out of the bandicam folder (and sorted sub folders) to a new folder for better storage. All videos and pictures have since moved back to the Bandicam folder (Which I had deleted as I moved the location new pictures and videos should be placed in) and in the process all my organization was ruined. And this brings me to Issue #:
2:When I moved the contents of the bandicam folder to another location on my computer, It said something about "Required hardrive space to copy" (Even though I was moving them, not copying them, to my knowledge at the time.) I ignored it at the time because I didn't understand, but soon after I realized my hardrive went from having about 60GB of storage left to less than 10GB!! And weirdest of all, I got this same message when I tried copying it to an external hardrive with plenty of space, as if it needed space in my laptop to copy!
So, Does anyone know how to resolve these issues?
Why does it say "There is not enough space, you need X GB to copy these files" when i'm trying to move them to a new location?
How do I stop the relocated files from returning to their source location?
And most importantly of all: How can I get those 50ish GB of hardrive space back!? (Without deleting the files in my ThisPC/Documents/ Bandicam folder) (Assuming I'm right about the correlation/causation)
Edit: Ok, so I just tried editing the name of one of my subfolders, and it said I couldn't because it was "open in another tab", and was "waiting to be synced". Synced with What?