Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:41 pm

My Channel : Skoardy's Video Dump

Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:44 pm

Just joined the forum today to post a feature request so I thought I'd add a post in here detailing my YouTube channel.

I started it mainly to show my Minecraft creations but since then added some 'Let's Play' style series (called 'Let's Play Badly' because, well, I'm not a fantastic gamer by any stretch of the imagination) for Just Cause 2, Borderlands and most recently Minecraft.

The channel can be found at -

Here's a few examples of the videos I've created. The first one is of my Minecraft builds...

The second is one of my Just Cause 2 'Let's Play Badly' videos. In it, I have a bit of a disagreement with some wind turbines.

And for my third, my latest video, another 'Let's Play Badly' but this time from within Minecraft.

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