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Battlefield Play4Free - PlayTest: The MP5 (Dramatic Version)

Mon Sep 15, 2014 1:02 am

Hey Bandicammers! 8-)

At my blog, I put together [what I call] 'PlayTests' - which are posts talking about a certain weapon or item in a game, and how it feels when played, or how it affects the gameplay. This recent PlayTest created for an article talking about the Engineer MP5 in Battlefield Play4Free and how it felt and performed when used, especially when compared to the Default Engineer PP-2000. That post is still 'In Progress', but I will share most of it here, so that you do not have to visit the blog (but I will include a Link to the Full Article for those that wish to), once it is completed. For now, please enjoy this "Dramatic Version" of gameplay footage collected for this PlayTest of the MP5 - set to Beethoven's 'Piano Sonata No.14' - more popularly known as the "Moonlight Sonata":


Recorded with Bandicam and Produced directly into 720p HD and Automatically Uploaded To YouTube with CyberLink's PowerDirector 12
[More Technical Details about this video will be Edited into this post, and found at the main blog article, once it is finished/published]

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Any gameplay videos or animations uploaded are only one example of one possible path of game play and is not representative of the gameplay experience of the entirety of the game material as it is non-repeatable in exactness (movements, actions, viewpoints, etc) to a high degree of accuracy (especially in regards to online multiplayer play and interactions) and therefore is not a representation of a large portion of the game content (this includes complete Walkthroughs/Playthroughs, Raw Gameplay Footage and Tutorials). All material and content uploaded attempts to respect copyright and is presented for Educational and Entertainment purposes only, utilized under Fair Use and can be construed as Free Advertising. No copyright infringement is intended and cannot be inferred. Any possible representation approaching any infringement, to those seeking infringement action, requires double notification and will be honoured by permanent removal of the infringing material. This information exists for entertainment and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical attention.

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