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Borderlands 2 1080p vid & Premiere Pro settings for Youtube

Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:38 am

You can skip forward to about 2:35 to see action, in order to see what the frame rate is like, and don't forget to put in 1080 :D

Here are the settings I recorded this with.

Select Video button and choose Preset of Sony Vegas/Premiere/Pinnacle
Click Settings and changed these fields below, everything else remains the same.

Fit Height - 1080
Quality 60

Frequency 44100Hz

Back on the Video tab, under Format it should look like this:
Video: Motion JPEG
0x1080, 30.00fps, 60q
Audio: PCM
44,1KHz, stereo

After recording I take this to CS3 Premiere Pro and use these settings below.

Set up new Project with Preset of HDV 1080p30
Import video and place in timeline. I use denoiser on audio.
Then, go to File, Export, Adobe Media Encoder (very bottom option)

Here are the export settings I use. If I don't mention a setting, I didn't change it.

Format: H.264
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels
Bitrate Encoding: VBR, 1 Pass
Target Bitrate: 8
Maximum Bitrate: 12

My goal was to get 1080p, at a reasonable file size and processing time. I don't have a whole lot of time to let my computer render since I don't have a second machine, and I'm recording up to 30 min videos sometimes, which can generate large files. This is just a hobby for me, so I've found settings that work well for what I want!

On my channel there are videos of different quality because I used them for testing the "render on the fly" option of bandicam (which is amazing by the way) but my microphone input needs to be cleaned in Premiere Pro, so I use the post render settings above, which also takes less system resources when I'm playing and recording (to the point where I don't even notice much frame drop at all.) I will only be post-rendering in the future as it offers the best option for me, and I'm very glad I bought this software!

Here's my channel
I mainly record Borderlands 2. I hope this helps someone, as when I first started using Bandicam I was amazed at the awesomeness of the product, but there were other factors I needed help with such as Premiere Pro!

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