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Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Sat May 28, 2011 2:04 pm


I have been plagued by the "black screen" problem ever since I began using Bandicam. The usual "remedies" have not improved the situation. I am hoping someone will see this and recognize what needs to be done.

A week or so ago I wrote to Zun, briefly describing my problem. He wrote back, suggesting
I "start Bandicam *before* running the program. Here is my reply, which so far has drawn no
further comment from him:

Dear Zun,

No need to apologize. A late reply is better than an interrupted honeymoon. :-)

Regarding my problem of getting the black screen, I have many times tried your suggestion to start Bandicam first -- and unfortunately it has never helped. Also, I read your message to Shut Off The Video Acceleration Function, but I couldn't do that because after going to my PC's "Advanced Settings," on a page called Troubleshoot, I get this: "Your current display driver does not allow changes to be made to hardware acceleration settings."

Is there perhaps some way I could install another driver? The video I am trying to capture is a Psychedelic light show called The Kinemorphic Screen Saver, a FREE pgm from Oddly, your Bandicam software DOES capture *part* of the screen saver PERFECTLY well!

Here's what happens: the Kinemorphic Screen Saver, before you Run it, is housed in a large grey box -- and in the box is a small screen letting you "preview" the animated psychedelic images you have created. When you finally DO run it, the grey box vanishes and you are treated to full screen psychedelic images. HOWEVER, Bandicam seems to only capture the grey box AND the animated images on the small screen inside the box, rather than the full-screen animation. Would you possibly have any idea why it records one and not the other?

I have been working with this Synthesoft software for years now, and have come up with some really striking animated images. Naturally I've wanted to capture them so that they could be played by anybody. When your program came along, I had great hopes this could be done. (I'd even be willing to pay for it, if I could be sure.) I have searched carefully through the Forum and so far have found nothing that has helped. Can you possibly suggest anything?

Thanks so much for your great software and for your time in reading this.

Dave Martel

(I somehow forgot to mention that I am using a free copy of Bandicam I received through Giveaway Of The Day. If, however, using a *purchased* copy would help to get results, I would be more than happy to do so.)

It's very frustrating, because Bandicam records the animated images perfectly -- it just won't record them while they are playing full screen!


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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Sat May 28, 2011 2:37 pm


We've recorded the Kinemorphic Screen Saver without any problems.

Please record the target in full screen mode.
- Full screen recording manual: ... op_screen/

Best Regards,

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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 pm


Perhaps you don't understand, so I'll say it again -- I have tried recording in Full Screen Mode (actually about 40 times) and all I get during playback is the tiny display screen, which is then followed by a black screen.

One other thing I didn't mention: Bandicam seems to record YouTube videos perfectly, in full screen, with no black screen problems.



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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Sat May 28, 2011 3:47 pm


We can't make the same situation like yours.
Please send your video file at

We will check your file, and send the reply.

Best Regards,

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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Sat May 28, 2011 7:43 pm


I had some problems making a file small enough to fit into Yahoo's "attachments," but a 24 MB one DID seem to "send."

Yahoo has not been the most reliable of email services. Please let me know if the file didn't arrive.


Dave M.


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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Tue May 31, 2011 11:16 am


This is Zun from Bandicam.

I've checked your bandicam_2011-05-28_01-55-00-506.avi
But, I couldn't find black screen in your file.

To record The Kinemorphic 3D Screen Saver in full screen, please follow the steps below:
1. Start Bandicam and the Kinemorphic Screen Saver
2. Click Target button of Bandicam, and then choose 'Rectangle on a screen' mode
3. Click Full Screen
4. Click 'REC' button
5. Click "Full Screen Preview" button of the Kinemorphic Screen Saver
6. To finish recording, click 'REC' button again.

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Re: Black Screen Problem Unresolved

Tue May 31, 2011 1:05 pm


Thank you for playing the video I sent you. As I mentioned, I had to keep its size down to around 20 MB because this is Yahoo's size limit.

The reason you did not see the black screen is because it went by so fast. That's because I had to make the file so small. I have several other files where the black screen lasts much longer, but I cannot send them because they are 90 MB in size or longer.

To show you I am using your methods, I followed your recent instructions to the letter -- and got a file that is 104 MB in size. It demonstrates perfectly the black screen that I have been getting. My only problem is in finding a way to send it to you.

The only answer that occurs to me is to possibly use a "Large File Sending Service." I have not used one of these for a few years, but I believe they may still exist. Unless you have a better suggestion, I will try to do this. Then you will clearly see that I am getting the results I have described to you... even when precisely using your methods.

Thanks again for your efforts,

David M.


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