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Inaccurate playback bug

Thu Jan 13, 2022 7:03 pm

Bandicut version 3. 6. 6. 676

It seems that I may just have wasted days or even weeks worth of cutting and joining videos due to a very inaccurate and inconsistent playback. It doesn't stop (and often doesn't start) at the correct and set time/frame whatsoever.

Hereby a video demonstrating it:

For a supposedly accurate cutter, I have always assumed that to actually be the case for the playback also. Upon looking back at the latest video I cut, however, I noticed some continuity errors that weren't there when playing back the segments in the application whatsoever. This means any of the hundred of videos I cut up are actually inaccurate, given I always use the 'Play/Pause Segment' to check the start and end cuts.

I really hope this can be fixed on short notice.

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Re: Inaccurate playback bug

Fri Jan 14, 2022 10:38 am


It can be cut at the set time, but, in the section preview (playback), it seems that there is a slight error in the timing between the pause and the video decoding part of the playback function.

We will forward the issue to the development team. Thanks for reporting.

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Re: Inaccurate playback bug

Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:03 pm


It can be cut at the set time, but, in the section preview (playback), it seems that there is a slight error in the timing between the pause and the video decoding part of the playback function.

We will forward the issue to the development team. Thanks for reporting.
Thank you.

Please note that the Stop and Previous Frame are also inaccurate as demonstrated in the video. It stops at the second instead of first frame and takes six clicks from there to get back to the first one. That would be a separate issue from the end timing altogether.

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