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Bandicam preventing PC from sleeping.

Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:57 am

I came across this issue recently but I couldn't figure out what was causing it. After simply reinstalling windows the issue went away but it came back after reinstalling Bandicam.

What I have found out is that Bandicam is keeping an audio stream open all the time regardless if it is being used or not. Meaning that while I am NOT recording and Bandicam is idle, it keeps an audio stream open preventing Windows from sleeping.

I am using:
Windows 10 Home x64
Sound Blaster Z
GTX 1070

Also tested this to make sure its actually Bandicam causing the problem and yes the PC will sleep if i exit Bandicam.
powercfg with bandicam closed
bandiclosed.png (3.58 KiB) Viewed 5458 times
powercfg with bandicam open
bandiopen.png (15.74 KiB) Viewed 5458 times

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Re: Bandicam preventing PC from sleeping.

Tue Feb 09, 2021 11:49 pm

Wow... I never thought to look at Bandicam, because on my PC, when I was running Logitech Gaming Software with my logitech keyboard and mouse, the PC went to sleep fine. But recently when I changed to Razer, and I installed the Synapse software, the PC stopped sleeping.

After I saw your post, I went to install an old version of Bandicam and now the Powercfg requests show NONE even with the old version of Bandicam running.

I'll update further if this "fixes" the sleep problem.

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Re: Bandicam preventing PC from sleeping.

Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:37 pm

Ok I'm back, confirming that the sleep problem fixed itself after I had gone back to an older Bandicam version (for another unrelated issue). And yes, the powercfg /requests all returned NONE now.

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Re: Bandicam preventing PC from sleeping.

Fri Feb 12, 2021 8:02 pm

Hello Sinxar and FoxTwo,

We've forwarded it to our development team.
We guess that the cause of this issue is due to a recent change for the volume meter.
Bandicam 4.6.5 or earlier should work fine.

Thank you for your report.

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Re: Bandicam preventing PC from sleeping.

Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:13 pm

Ok I'm back, confirming that the sleep problem fixed itself after I had gone back to an older Bandicam version (for another unrelated issue). And yes, the powercfg /requests all returned NONE now.
Thanks for the information, I will try to figure it out for more.

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