I've used Bandicam for years and I love it. There's no ugly cluttered UI or silly integration, it just does what it sets out to do and it does it well. However there is one thing that bothers me and has done for a long time and that is hooking. As it currently stands, if you have multiple interfaces that can be recorded, like for example EA's Origin or the Warframe launcher or other graphical launchers, you end up with a scenario whereby the game you launch afterwards doesn't get priority by Bandicam and therefore you cannot record what you set out to record (even if the window holding said recording priority closes after launch of whatever game it is you wish to play). The only remedy to this and it is a very tedious one (especially since I've had to do it about twenty thousand times over the last few years) is to close Bandicam off entirely and relaunch it, usually with a bunch of alt-tabbing in between. The same hooking issue occurs after the computer has been in sleep for a long time though this doesn't happen to all games. Can we have a selector of sorts to target the game window? This close + relaunch thing is driving me insane and I'm surprised it hasn't been dealt with yet.
Another thing I'd like to ask while I am here: Can we please have a better graphical FPS counter? At the moment it is a huge, giant, eye-blinding green/red number. I'm only playing at 1080p and it's pretty eye-catching and I often question the need for it to be so large. To be frank, it should be half the current size or at least have the option to be so, maybe even have some opacity for the counter?