Auto Stop Recording

How to automatically stop recording

Auto Complete Recording function

The auto complete recording function allows you to configure settings such as recording time limit, recorded file size limit, silent duration limit, and system shutdown upon the completion of recording.

Please click the [General] tab of Bandicam, click the Auto Complete Recording [Settings] button like below:

Example 1) Recording time limit after a period of time

Timer recording, How to stop recording automatically with Bandicam

  • To set the recording to stop automatically one hour after the start of video recording, set the ‘By recording time' to '1 hour,' and select 'Do nothing'.
  • To set the recording to repeat automatically every 1 hour, set the ‘By recording time' to '1 hour,' and select the ‘Start new recording’.

Example 2) Recording limit when file size reaches set size

Timer recording, How to stop recording automatically with Bandicam

  • To set the recording to stop when the size of the recorded file reaches 1 GB after video recording starts, set the 'By recorded file size' to '1 GB,' and select 'Do nothing'.
  • To set the recording to repeat automatically whenever the size of the recorded file achieves 1GB, set the 'By recorded file size' to '1 GB,' and select the ‘Start new recording’.

Example 3) Recording limit after silence of XX seconds

Timer recording, How to stop recording automatically with Bandicam

  • To set the recording to stop after silence of 30 seconds, set the 'By silent duration (sec)' to '30,' and select 'Do nothing'.
  • To set the recording to repeat automatically every time the computer's sound is silenced for 30 seconds, set the 'By silent duration (sec)' to '30', and select ‘Start new recording’.

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  • Capture 4K Ultra HD videos up to 3840x2160
  • Record over 24 hours without stopping
  • Upload a captured video to YouTube