How to Back Up Files to an External Drive

Robocopy is a file replication command for Microsoft Windows, which can move or copy file data from one location to another. Using the Robocopy command, you can automatically back up recorded video files to an 'external hard drive' or 'network drive' whenever you log into your computer.

If you use the Robocopy command with Windows Task Scheduler, you can automatically copy or move large files to an external hard drive every time you log in to your computer (or on a specific day of the week).

How to automatically back up video files

Follow the steps below to automatically move video and image files from your Bandicam folder to an external hard drive:

  1. After running the Notepad program, input the Robocopy command and create a *.bat batch file.

    Type or copy-paste the following command into Notepad and replace the source and destination folder.

    @echo off
    set "source=Bandicam output folder location"
    set "destination=Backup folder location"
    robocopy "%source%" "%destination%" /mov /minage:1
    exit /b
    • Set source: Check the Bandicam output folder location in the General tab and type the location as a source

      Bandicam output folder

    • Set destination: Type the backup folder location
    • Write robocopy "%source%" "%destination%" /mov /minage:1 in the command line
      • /mov cuts and pastes the video files, allowing them to be transferred to the destination folder and removed from the source folder.
        (Write robocopy "%source%" "%destination%" /minage:1 by omitting /mov option if you want to copy the files without deleting them.)
      • /minage:1 excludes files created that day. If a file is backed up while a file is being created, problems may occur, so it is recommended to back up files other than those created on the same day.


  2. Click ‘Save As,’ and select the file type as ‘All Files.’ Then, type filename.bat to save it as a .bat file.

    Below is an example of saving as ‘AutoMove.bat’ with the file name ‘AutoMove.’

    save as *.bat file, batch file

    Now, if you run this batch file, the recorded files from Bandicam will be moved or copied from the Bandicam output folder to the backup folder of the external hard drive.

    Now, create a task with Windows Task Scheduler

    You can set up a task in the Task Scheduler to automatically run the batch file created above whenever you log in to your computer (or at a set time).

  3. Click on Start, type in "Task Scheduler," and click "Task Scheduler."

    Schedule Recording, Start Windows task scheduler

  4. Click "Create Task..." and type in a name for the task. Then, check "Run whether user is logged on or not."

    Create Task, Windows task scheduler

  5. Go to the Triggers tab and click “New…” to create a Trigger. You can select "On a schedule" or "At log on."

    In the example below, we have selected "At log on."

    Trigger, Windows task scheduler

  6. In the "Action" tab, select the Batch (bat) file you created in Step 2.

    Go to the Actions tab and click the “New…” button. Then, click "Browse..." and select the Batch (BAT) file.

    Action, Windows task scheduler

    By following these steps, files from Bandicam (excluding those that were created on the same day) will be moved to the external drive backup folder every time you log on to your computer.

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