How to Use Command-Line Parameters With Bandicam

A command-line interface is a way for users to interact with a computer program and issue commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines). Bandicam versions 5.1.0 and higher support the following command-line parameters.

    Using the Command-Line Interface

  1. Type "cmd" (or press the Windows key + R on the keyboard) to start "Command Prompt."
  2. Enter "cd C:\Program Files\Bandicam" to go to the installation folder.
  3. You can now use command-line parameters (such as "bdcam.exe /nosplash") as shown below:
  4. Bandicam, command-line, start Command Prompt

List of Command-Line Options

1. /record or /start

If you use "Windows Task Scheduler" with this command, you can automatically start recording at a specific time.
The "/record" command is available when the Screen Recording Mode (Rectangle on a screen, Fullscreen, or Around mouse) is set.
E.g.) "bdcam.exe /record" or "bdcam.exe /start"

2. /stop

If you use "Windows Task Scheduler" with this command, you can automatically stop recording while recording is in progress at a specific time.
E.g.) bdcam.exe /stop

3. /pause or /unpause

If you use this command, you can pause/unpause the recording.
E.g.) "bdcam.exe /pause" or "bdcam.exe /unpause"

4. /screenshot

If you use "Windows Task Scheduler" with this command, you can automatically take a screenshot at a specific time.
The "/screenshot" command is available when the Screen Recording Mode (Rectangle on a screen, Fullscreen, or Around mouse) is set.
E.g.) bdcam.exe /screenshot

5. /shutdown

If you use this command, you can automatically stop recording and shut down the computer.
E.g.) bdcam.exe /shutdown

6. /nosplash

If you use this command, the splash screenview (launch image) will not be displayed when Bandicam starts.
E.g.) bdcam.exe /nosplash

7. /safemode

If you use this command, you can start Bandicam in Safe Modeview which disables some features of Bandicam, including hardware accelerated encoding.
E.g.) bdcam.exe /safemode

8. /S

If you execute the Bandicam setup file (bdcamsetup.exe) with the /S option, you can install Bandicam automatically with the default settings in silent mode.

Note: You must enter an uppercase "S," and you can use the "/S" command and "/reg" command together.
E.g.) "bdcamsetup.exe /S" or "bdcamsetup.exe /S /reg 20180531-ABCD-EFG-HIJK"

How to register and start Bandicam using command line

9. /reg

If you use the “/reg” command, you can register your Bandicam licenseview by running a batch file. This is useful for registering Bandicam on multiple computers (accounts).

Follow the steps below to register Bandicam with this command:

  1. Open Notepad and enter the following command.

    Type or copy-paste the following command into Notepad and enter your email address and serial key you received after purchase.

    @echo off
    cd c:\Program Files\Bandicam\
    bdcam.exe /reg E-mail address Serial number
    start bdcam.exe

    Register Bandicam with this command

  2. Click ‘Save As,’ and select the file type as ‘All Files.’ Then, type filename.bat to save it as a .bat file.

    Below is an example of saving as ‘bandicam-reg.bat’ with the file name ‘bandicam-reg.’

    Register Bandicam with this command, Batch file

  3. If you run this batch file, Bandicam registration will be completed, and the Bandicam program will be executed.

    (If you don't have admin rights, a UAC window will appear. If you click the 'Cancel' button in the UAC window, you will be able to register the license without admin rights.)

Additional Related Tips

Schedule recording (Timer Recording)

If you use "the command-line parameters of Bandicam (/record, /stop, /shutdown)" and "Windows Task Scheduler," you can automatically start recording "at a specific time on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule" or "at the most recently used location/size in Screen Recording Mode."

» How to start recording automatically with Windows Task Scheduler

Windows Task Scheduler, start

How to export and import the Bandicam settings

You can save the Bandicam settings as a registry file (bandicam.reg) and copy the file to another PC with Bandicam installed.
» How to save and export Bandicam settings

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