Angry Birds is a video game franchise created by Finnish company Rovio Entertainment. The series focuses on multi-colored birds who try to save their eggs from green-colored pigs, their enemies. Its popularity led to many spin-offs, versions of Angry Birds being created for PCs and video game consoles, a market for merchandise featuring its characters, a televised cartoon series, and a feature film.
The series’ games have been downloaded more than three billion times collectively, making it the most downloaded freemium game series of all time. ( Go to Wikipedia for more info )
To record flash games like the Angry Birds, you have to use 'Screen Recording' mode of Bandicam.
Follow the steps below to record the Angry Birds gameplay:
When you record online games with Bandicam Game Recorder...
You can upload the recorded file to YouTube WITHOUT CONVERTING.
You can RECORD FOR OVER 7 DAYS without stopping (AVI 2.0 OpenDML).
Bandicam produces SMALLER FILE SIZES for recordings, compared to other capture programs.
Bandicam has LESS LAG than other screen capture software, since it uses fewer CPU/GPU/RAM resources.