Upload edited videos to YouTube from Bandicut

Bandicut versions 2.6.0 and higher allow users to upload the videos to YouTube.com directly. If you want to upload the edited videos to YouTube, download the free version of Bandiut, and click the Upload button on Bandicut.

Bandicut, YouTube

* Please see the tutorial below to upload videos to YouTube from Bandicut.

1. Click the [Upload] button when the task has been completed.

Bandicut video uploader

2. Sign in with your Google account by entering your email address and password.

YouTube sign up

3. Click the "Allow" button to connect "Bandicut" to your Google account.

Register YouTube

4. Click the "Allow" button to begin uploading.

Video uploading

5. After uploading, click the [Copy] button to share your video on other websites.

Video uploaded
- If you click the [Go] button, you will see the uploaded video.

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* Frequently asked questions (YouTube FAQs)